How To Pray When You Can’t Find The Words
“How to pray when you can’t find the words?” This is a question that many people ask themselves.
Today I want to show you a very simple method using the Acronym PRAY which stands for Praise, Repent, Ask, Yield that can help you pray when you can’t find the words.
Let’s be honest. I know that you know that you need to pray as a Child of God but sometimes you have no idea what to say.
You run out of words.
Sometimes you don’t know how to start or even what to actually tell God.
Have you ever been wondering how to deepen your prayer life with God? Have you wondered how you can be more consistent with your conversation with God?
All of us would like to do this. As I write this we are approaching 2021 and I know that I need to deepen my prayer life this year.

COVID 19 has taught me how much I need to depend on God for all things and for keeping me safe.
We know that prayer is very important and it is something we ought to be doing daily yet the thought of prayer scares us.
The thought of having to pray aloud or in a group can cause you to get extremely nervous.
I know a guy whose hands would sweat when he has to pray in Public.
Prayer can be a scary thing when you don’t know how or what to say.
This simple method that I would be sharing in a little while will help you a lot.
Many times we can allow our nerves to get the better of us because we feel that prayer is a performance that we need to do but the truth is prayer is more a posture. It is not a performance.
Now if you look at any skilled person they will tell you it took them a lot of practise before they got good at their skill.
The same way prayer is one of those skills that every Christian needs to know and we must practice it.
Even the Disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray.
Prayer is a practice with God and not a performance. Share on XThe more we can practise prayer the better we will be at it. It will help us to pray when we can’t find the words.
The Relational Benefits of Prayer
Prayer requires confidence in God.
The fact that you are talking to God is proof that you see that he is your greatest helper. You realise that you can do nothing apart from him. Every time you go to God you show that your confidence is in him and him alone.
Prayer requires consistent discipline.
This is a spiritual discipline that every believer needs to know how to do. When Jesus was on this earth he constantly was spending time talking to his Father. It needs to become a daily discipline.
Prayer is more than a practice.
Most people practice skills so that they can look good. When you practice prayer it is not for you to look better but it is for you to draw closer to God. It is not about you.
Prayer is to be a Priority
Let’s be honest. We make time for things that are important to us. Prayer needs to be a priority in our lives. When it is a priority we block out time each day to do it.
Daniel would pray 3 times a day because it was on his schedule. It was a priority.
Is prayer a priority for you?
To determine if prayer is a priority, ask yourself: How often do I pray? What prompts or hinders me? How can I make prayer a daily lifestyle?
God designed prayer to energize, not drain, us. When we make prayer a priority, we reap a whole host of benefits like comfort, guidance, and confidence. As believers, prayer is our most profitable activity.
Prayer includes Breathing
Breath Prayer is simply praying as we breathe in and out. Breath Prayer reminds us that God is the oxygen for our souls. Just as we can’t live on one single breath of air, we can’t live on one single breath of God.
We need to breathe God all day long. This kind of prayer reminds us that God’s presence through the Holy Spirit is a gift in our lives.
“Prayer is the way you can plug into the power, perception and purpose that can only be found in God’s presence.” Share on XNow we shall go into the 4 Basic Tenets of Prayer:
4 Tenets of Prayer When You Can’t Find The Words
Praise and Thanksgiving

We should always begin our prayer time with Praise and Thanksgiving.
Praise is basically where we tell God who he is and Thanksgiving is where we give him thanks for what he has done.
An Example could be “Lord you are Jehovah Jireh, my Provider. You have provided me with a job. (This is Praise.)
Lord, I thank you for giving me a job and blessing me with finances to take care of my family. (This is Thanksgiving.)
Here is where you talk to God about your sins and your struggles. Let’s be honest. All of us do wrong thing every day and we ought to acknowledge it before God.
Ask him to forgive us of our sins that we did.
Revival is always preceded by a heart of repentance.
When David was caught in adultery he did not try to justify his behaviour. He said to God that he had sinned.
We need to own up to our sins.
Confess it to him.
Now, this is how most people begin their time with God. It’s all about Gimme, Gimme, Gimme.
That is not how we should treat God.
I am sure many of you hate it when you feel like you are being used by people. They only come to you when they need something.
Well it is the same with God. It is an insult to go to him only when you need something.
Spend time praising and thanking him as well.
Now we are ready to ask God about specific areas where we need help in.
You may be sick or have a fear or have anxiety etc. Talk to him about it. Cast all your cares on him because he cares for you.
Don’t only pray about your issues but pray for others as well. Maybe you know a friend who is ill or someone who needs a job. Talk to God about those things.
He is more than willing to hear from you and to answer your prayers.
Now, this is the point where you submit everything to God. Place everything in God’s hands.
Many times we ask God for things that he may not agree is best for us at this time.
Here is where we say to God. “not my will but yours be done.”
We need to yield all our requests and our entire lives to him.
When Jesus was about to be crucified he said to the Father “Take this cup from me but not my will but yours be done”.
Here is where we say to God. You know what is best for us. It may not be what I want but it’s about what you want.
This acronym PRAY is a very useful method and structure to follow when you are not sure how to pray when you can’t find the words to say.
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