Hi there.
Welcome to my blog. I am happy to have you here.
My name is Brian Ramdhan and I am from Trinidad and Tobago. I created this Blog to help people be encouraged to Grow In Their Walk With God.

I am a Christian blogger and speaker. I encourage new believers in Christ how to take simple steps to grow in their faith towards maturity so they can be used mightily in ministry.
Over 20 years I have been in Ministry and serving in many roles in church such as Drummer, Youth Leader, National Youth Board Member, Youth Coordinator of Crusades, Projector/IT, Church Board member etc.
This Blog is based on the Scripture
Ephesians 4:14 Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming.
God has called us to Grow in our walk with him. I am not perfect and neither are you but here is a place you can come to, to get encouragement in your walk with God.
I’ve basically grown up in church my whole life but 1 thing I realised is that many people may have grown up in church but they haven’t really grown in Christ.
I trust that this blog will encourage you to read your bible and pray and practice the basic spiritual disciplines that can help you to Grow as A Child of God.
I pray that when you are feeling down and discouraged that you can come here and find hope.
The Christian walk is not always easy and I want here to be a safe place you can come to that will give you encouragement.
This Blog is not designed to criticise or condemn you but to help you in your walk with God to keep on keeping on.
If you need to reach me you can email me at Brian@nolongerinfants.com. I would be glad to hear from you. Feel free to share ideas for me to blog about.