8 Different Ways to Worship God

What is Worship

What are 8 different ways to Worship God?

Before sharing those 8 ways let me, first of all, describe what is worship.

The term Worship can be such a difficult word to define. If you ask 5 different people you will probably get 5 different answers.

Some will say it is the church, some will say it is singing, and some will say it is a style of music.

People lifting their hands in Worship

When people think of worship they think

  • Awe
  • Respect
  • Service
  • Love
  • Admire
  • Bow Down

Worship is a complicated subject. It can mean so many different things to different people. But in the end, worship simply expresses our love for God.

The way we worship Him changes from person to person and even from day to day! So here are 8 different ways that you can worship God.

#1: Worship God Through Prayer

Prayer is the most common way people worship God. It’s an opportunity to communicate with Him and connect with Him on a personal level.

Prayer isn’t just talking to God; it means listening to what He has to say as well! It means hearing his voice in our hearts and minds so that when we pray, it comes from a place of love and devotion for You—not out of obligation or fear of punishment.

Prayer also provides us with an opportunity for self-expression: we can express our gratitude for all things good about this world (and others), but also ask for help in daily life situations like schoolwork or finances—anything that might be troubling us at any given time!

#2: Worship God Through Praise

Praise is an important part of Christian worship, but it can also be used as a form of prayer.

Praise is an act that glorifies God and expresses our love for him.

It’s an expression of gratitude for all he has done for us, including his creation and forgiveness of our sins (1 Peter 3:8).

Praise also shows how much we esteem the grace he has shown us by giving himself up on our behalf (Romans 5:8).

When you praise God in this way, it will strengthen your faith because you are acknowledging his greatness as well as thanking him for gifts such as salvation from sin or salvation from death (1 Corinthians 15:57).

#3: Worship God Through Celebrating the Lord

Worshipping God through celebrating the Lord is a great way to worship God.

Celebrating the Lord can be done on a regular basis, or it can be done only once in a while. It all depends on what feels right for you and your family.

Celebrate Your Faith

Your faith should always be celebrated! The more you celebrate it, the more powerful your relationship with God becomes.

Celebrating your faith will help strengthen it while also strengthening your relationships with other people who share your beliefs as well as those who don’t necessarily share them.

When it comes to celebrating the Lord, no one is better than David as an Example of Celebrating the Lord.

David danced as a way of celebrating the Lord.

14 Wearing a linen ephod, David was dancing before the Lordwith all his might, 15 while he and all Israel were bringing up the ark of the Lord with shouts and the sound of trumpets.

16 As the ark of the Lord was entering the City of David, Michal daughter of Saul watched from a window. And when she saw King David leaping and dancing before the Lord, she despised him in her heart.

2 Samuel 6 14-16

Here’s the biggest difference between Saul and David: Saul wanted to be a big deal in everyone’s eyes. David wanted God to be a big deal, and if David needed to be humiliated for that to happen, he was willing.

David knew that looking small to others might help them see the largeness of God.

Only one person can be large in your life: You, or God.

And one of the ways he did that was through his worship. David was aware that people were watching him as he worshipped and learning something about the value of God to him by the way he worshipped.

#4: Worship God Through Your Work and Vocation

Man working on computer. You can worship God with your work

God has given us a vocation to serve others. We are called to be ministers, teachers and prophets. We can also be fishermen or farmers; soldiers or nurses; mothers and fathers; entrepreneurs, artists and musicians.

God calls all of us to live our lives in such a way that we bring glory to Him through our work and vocational choices: “The good you do…will last forever.”

#5: Worship God Through a Benevolent Life.

The fifth way to worship God is through a benevolent life. This means that you should do everything in your power to help others, whether it’s by supporting the needy or volunteering at an elderly home or homeless shelter. You can also give money or time (and even offer your services) if you want!

When we live out our faith in Christ by helping others, God sees how much he has been honoured and praised through us because we’re doing something for him.

We show him by our actions that what he says about himself—that he is good—is true; our love for him is genuine, and His name will be honoured as long as anyone lives on this earth!

When we see someone in need, it’s natural to help them because God has made us care about people and want what is best for them. This shows our love for God and how much we honour Him by doing good deeds.

#6 Worship God with Our Minds

It’s so crucial for Christians to fill their minds with thoughts about God. If we
keep our minds focused on God, we will become more like Christ.

Many times in my life I have suffered from stinking thinking.

Thinking thoughts that were not beneficial and not wholesome.

Thinking lustful thoughts.

God sees our thoughts and just by our thoughts we can worship God.

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Phillipians 4:8

Be careful what you feed your mind.

Think about the Word of God.

#7 Worship God with your Body

The Bible tells us that our body is a holy temple for God and it was bought at a high price (Christ’s death on the cross).

Therefore, we need to respect our bodies and glorify God through our bodies.

The Holy Spirit resides within you and you a temple for God. Think about that – God is in you if you follow Christ.

So we need to make our bodies a place that God would want to be.

#8 Worship God in Spirit

It is so important that we surrender ourselves to God. We are spiritual beings and we all have a spirit within us.

We must regularly surrender our spirit to the Holy Spirit. Pray this regularly and give your life to God.

Dear Father, I need You. I hunger and thirst for a better relationship with You. I admit that I have been in control of my life. I’ve tried to do things my own way. As a result, I have sinned against You. Thank You for forgiving my sins through Christ’s death on the cross for me. I now confess and turn from my sins and surrender the control of my life to the Lord Jesus. By faith I invite You to fill me with the Holy Spirit as You commanded me to be filled. You promised to fill me if I ask according to Your will. I  pray this in the authority of the name of Jesus Christ. To demonstrate my faith, I now thank You for filling me with Your Holy Spirit and for taking control of my life. Amen

Those are 8 different ways to worship God.

Before I conclude let me describe what Worship is and what it isn’t.


Our IdeaGod’s Idea
A spectator sportParticipating on your part
Physical (raising hands)Spiritual (from the heart)
Just singingA lifestyle
Done at churchDone everywhere
Insincere Sincere


I hope this article has encouraged you to think about ways you can worship God.

It is important that we all have a relationship with Him, and a way to express it through prayer, praise and celebration.

These are 8 different ways to worship God but I am sure there are many more ways you can Worship him.

Worship is not something that should be reserved only for special occasions; it should be on our minds every day as we strive for goodness in our lives.

So here’s my question for you. What does your worship tell others about the value of God to you?

Some of you say, Well, what is worship? Dancing like this? Music?

Worship is our response (whatever it is) to the Gospel

Worship is not just what we do in church when we sing. Worship is how we live.

○ How we spend our money.

○ What we do with our time.

○ The values we teach our children.

○ How we treat the poor.

○ How we respond to the things God hates like sin and injustice.

Worship can involve raising hands, singing, playing music, etc. But worship is so much more than that.

When we limit worship to music we miss the bigger picture. Worship is what we do with our lives. Everything we do has the potential to worship God.

Every moment of every day you can worship God. It is not limited to a building or a certain posture of your body.

You can wash the dishes and worship God. You can play sports and worship God.

But you can just as easily sing a Christian song and not worship God. Worship involves the heart and the mind.

Where is your heart today? Is it right with God? Do you need to ask forgiveness?

Which one of the 8 different ways to worship God resonates with you the most?

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2 years ago

We could all improve our relationship with God. Great article.

2 years ago

Good encouragement for us all.