Achieve Spiritual Breakthrough: 7 Benefits of Fasting and Prayer

Have you heard a lot of Christians talking about Fasting and Prayer and wonder what are the benefits of fasting and Prayer?

Step into the realm of spiritual rejuvenation and embark on a journey that will nourish your soul. Like a wellspring of refreshing water in a barren desert, fasting and prayer hold the potential to unlock seven incredible benefits that can transform your life.

But what are these benefits, you ask? Brace yourself, for as we delve into the depths of this discussion, you will discover the profound impact that fasting and prayer can have on your personal growth, physical well-being, and spiritual connection.

In 1812, the ministerial association of the Connecticut General Assembly called for a day of fasting and prayer in the midst of the War of 1812 between the United States and Great Britain. New England, dependent economically on shipping and trade now crippled by warfare, faced immense losses and shortages as a result of the conflict.

The call for fasting and prayer was heeded: in cities, towns, and rural churches across Connecticut, people assembled to lift their burdens before God, forgoing food and drink for the spiritual nourishment of concentrated prayer. Three days later, the U.S. Navy won a pivotal victory over the British in Boston Harbor—a dramatic turn of events after a series of defeats. The timing galvanized many in attributing the triumph to the state-wide season of denial and devotion earlier that week.

While a single historical case does not constitute irrefutable evidence, through history and across cultures fasting and prayer have shown a noteworthy record of coincidence with community renewal, spiritual empowerment, and even seemingly miraculous shifts in circumstances. As we'll see, both modern science and the wisdom of the ages suggest that these ancient disciplines still have relevance for health, faith, and human flourishing today.

Key Takeaways

  • Increased spiritual awareness: Fasting and prayer open your heart and mind to God’s presence, allowing you to experience His guidance and direction more profoundly.
  • Strengthened faith: Through fasting and prayer, you have witnessed God’s faithfulness and provision. This has deepened your trust in Him and strengthened your faith.
  • Clarity and focus: Fasting and prayer have helped you gain clarity in your spiritual journey and have given you a renewed focus on God’s purpose for your life.
  • Breakthroughs and answered prayers: As you have sought God diligently through fasting and prayer, you have experienced breakthroughs and witnessed the power of prayer in your life.
  • Greater intimacy with God: Fasting and prayer have allowed you to draw closer to God, fostering a deeper intimacy and connection with Him.


I am writing this in the Month of January and as I write this, our church is about to do our annual 21 day of prayer and fasting.

This is an event that we do every year.

Some people choose to fast 6 am to 6 pm.

Some people choose to do a Daniel Fast during the 21 days.

Some people choose to fast 1 meal a day.

Some people choose to fast all 21 days with only water alone.

Some do not fast from food but some fast from Media.

There is no right or wrong way in these methods.

Choose the method you feel led to do.

The main thing is we abstain from material things to focus on Spiritual things.

Jesus had a lot to say about fasting. Nobody should force you to fast.

And whenever you fast, do not look dismal, like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces so as to show others that they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that your fasting may be seen not by others but by your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.

Matthew 6:16

Fasting and prayer can be a transformative experience for individuals seeking spiritual growth and a deeper connection with God. It’s a practice that has been followed by various religious traditions for centuries, with the belief that it helps purify the soul and bring one closer to God.

When you embark on a journey of fasting and prayer, you’re making a conscious decision to abstain from food and dedicate your time and energy to seeking spiritual enlightenment.

It’s a time of self-reflection, introspection, and surrendering to God. By depriving yourself of physical nourishment, you’re able to focus more on your spiritual needs and develop a heightened sense of mindfulness.

Fasting and prayer can be a means of cleansing your mind, body, and soul. It allows you to detach from worldly distractions and focus on God. This period of self-discipline can help you gain clarity, overcome challenges, and find inner peace. It’s a time to let go of negative emotions, release pent-up energy, and renew your spiritual connection to God

Understanding Spiritual Fasting

To better comprehend the practice of spiritual fasting, it’s important to delve into its underlying principles and purpose. Spiritual fasting isn’t simply about abstaining from food and drink for a certain period; it’s a deeply meaningful and transformative spiritual practice.

One of the underlying principles of spiritual fasting is the belief that physical hunger can lead to spiritual awakening because you take that time to read your bible and pray. By denying yourself the physical nourishment of food, you open yourself up to receiving spiritual nourishment. Fasting can also serve as a form of purification, helping to cleanse the body and mind of impurities and negative thoughts.

During a spiritual fast, it’s important to maintain a mindset of humility and surrender. It isn’t about proving your willpower or seeking praise from others. Instead, it’s about humbling yourself before God and surrendering your desires and needs. This act of surrender allows you to align yourself with his divine will and experience a deeper sense of spiritual fulfilment.

What are the 7 benefits of Fasting and Prayer?

There are key benefits that you can experience.

Firstly, fasting and prayer help you rely on God for strength and guidance.

Secondly, it produces fruits of the Spirit, such as love, joy, and peace.

Lastly, it strengthens your connection with God and develops your spiritual discipline.

Read below to see the 7 Benefits of Fasting and Prayer

1. Relying on God

By engaging in the spiritual practices of fasting and prayer, you can experience profound benefits that will strengthen your reliance on God.

When you fast and pray, you’re intentionally setting aside time to seek God’s guidance and wisdom. This act of surrendering control and placing your trust in God deepens your reliance on Him.

As you fast and pray, you develop a closer relationship with God, as you’re actively seeking His presence and guidance. This closeness allows you to recognize God’s faithfulness and provision in your life, which in turn strengthens your reliance on Him.

Additionally, fasting and prayer help you to develop patience and endurance, as you wait upon God to answer your prayers. This reliance on God’s timing and His plan for your life cultivate a deep trust in His faithfulness.

2. Fruits of the Spirit

Another benefit is that you develop the Fruits of the Spirit, that can transform your life. These fruits enhance your character and deepen your faith. So, what are the Fruits of the Spirit that fasting and prayer can bring into your life?

  • Love: Fasting and prayer help you develop a deeper love for God and others.
  • Joy: By seeking God’s presence through fasting and prayer, you can experience a profound sense of joy and contentment.
  • Peace: Fasting and prayer bring peace to your mind and heart, allowing you to trust in God’s plan for your life.
  • Patience: Through fasting and prayer, you can cultivate patience, both with yourself and others.
  • Self-control: Fasting and prayer help you gain mastery over your desires and impulses.

3. Strengthens connection with God

Fasting and prayer have the power to strengthen your connection with God in profound ways. When you fast and pray, you’re intentionally setting aside time to focus on your relationship with God. This dedicated time of seeking Him allows you to draw closer to Him and experience His presence more intimately.

As you abstain from food and other distractions, you create space for God to work in your life and speak to you. Through fasting and prayer, you can develop a deeper understanding of God’s will for your life and gain clarity in decision-making. This spiritual discipline also helps you cultivate a heart of humility and dependence on God.

Your connection with God becomes stronger as you surrender your desires and align your heart with His.

4. Develops spiritual discipline

Here are five ways in which fasting and prayer can help you develop spiritual discipline:

  • Increased focus: Fasting and prayer require dedicated time and attention, helping you develop the discipline of focusing on God and His Word.
  • Strengthened self-control: Denying yourself food and other desires during fasting builds self-control, enabling you to resist temptation and make godly choices.
  • Deeper intimacy with God: Fasting and prayer allow you to draw closer to God, seeking His presence and guidance more profoundly.
  • Heightened sensitivity to the Holy Spirit: By fasting and praying, you become more attuned to the leading of the Holy Spirit, developing spiritual discernment.
  • Greater reliance on God: Fasting and prayer remind you of your dependence on God, teaching you to trust Him fully and rely on His strength.

Through the practice of fasting and prayer, you can cultivate spiritual discipline and experience the transformative power of a deeper relationship with God.

5. Sparks spiritual revival

By embracing the practice of fasting and prayer, you open the door to a spiritual revival that brings forth benefits.

One of these benefits is the spark of spiritual revival that ignites within you. Fasting and prayer have a way of rekindling your spiritual fire and awakening a renewed sense of passion for your faith.

As you deny yourself physical sustenance and intentionally seek God through prayer, your spirit becomes more attuned to the presence of God. This heightened sensitivity leads to a deeper connection with God and a revitalized spiritual life.

The spark of spiritual revival that fasting and prayer ignite within you can lead to a renewed zeal for worship, a greater hunger for God’s Word, and a stronger desire to live out your faith in practical ways.

6. Creating a Miracle-Ready Environment

To create a miracle-ready environment, embrace the practice of fasting and prayer to experience transformative benefits. These are:-

  • Heightened spiritual sensitivity: Fasting and prayer open your heart and mind, allowing you to become more attuned to the spiritual realm and the voice of God.
  • Increased faith: By surrendering your physical needs and relying on God’s provision, you cultivate a deeper trust and faith in His power and ability to work miracles in your life.
  • Breaking strongholds: Through fasting and prayer, you can break free from the chains of addictions, negative patterns, and strongholds that hinder your spiritual growth.
  • Divine intervention: Fasting and prayer create an atmosphere where God’s supernatural power can manifest, leading to miraculous breakthroughs and solutions.

7. Leads to spiritual breakthroughs

When you engage in fasting and prayer, you create a sacred space within yourself to connect with God. This deepens your spiritual journey and helps you experience a profound sense of breakthrough.

Firstly, fasting and prayer can bring clarity and guidance as you seek answers to life’s challenges. It allows you to quiet your mind, listen to that inner voice, and receive divine insight.

Secondly, fasting and prayer cultivate a sense of humility and surrender, helping you let go of ego-driven desires and align with the purposes of God. This surrender opens the door to spiritual breakthroughs and a deeper connection with God.

Lastly, fasting and prayer can lead to spiritual healing, as it allows you to release negative energy and emotions, creating space for spiritual growth and transformation.

Embrace the transformative power of fasting and prayer and experience spiritual breakthroughs in your life.

Personal Growth and Transformation

Through fasting and prayer, you can experience powerful personal growth and transformation. It’s an opportunity to delve deep within yourself and discover hidden strengths and potentials.

Here are five ways in which fasting and prayer can contribute to your personal growth:

  • Self-reflection: Fasting and prayer provide a chance for introspection and self-evaluation. It allows you to examine your thoughts, actions, and beliefs, facilitating personal growth by identifying areas that need improvement, especially areas in your Spiritual life.
  • Increased emotional intelligence: Fasting and prayer can enhance your emotional intelligence by promoting self-awareness and empathy towards others. It helps you develop a better understanding of your own emotions and those of others, fostering healthier relationships.
  • Heightened spiritual connection: By disconnecting from worldly distractions and focusing on prayer, fasting can deepen your spiritual connection. This spiritual growth can bring peace, meaning, and purpose to your life.
  • Improved discipline and self-control: Fasting requires discipline and self-control, which are transferable skills to various aspects of life. Developing these traits through fasting and prayer can lead to greater success in achieving personal goals.
  • Renewed perspective: Fasting and prayer offer an opportunity to step back from your daily routine and gain a fresh perspective on life. It can help you reassess priorities, clarify values, and make positive changes that align with what God wants you to focus on.

Incorporating fasting and prayer into your life can be a transformative experience. Embrace this practice to unlock your potential and experience lasting transformation.

Practical Tips for Successful Prayer and Fasting

Here are some practical tips to ensure successful prayer and fasting.

First, it’s important to set clear goals for your fasting and prayer period. Determine what you hope to achieve and focus your prayers accordingly. This will give your fast purpose and direction.

Additionally, find a quiet and peaceful place where you can spend uninterrupted time with God. Eliminate distractions such as phones or TVs to fully engage in prayer.

Next, establish a specific prayer routine. Set aside dedicated time each day to pray and stick to it. Consistency is key to building a strong prayer life.

As you fast, remember to stay hydrated and listen to your body. Choose a fasting method that works best for you, whether it’s a complete fast, partial fast, or intermittent fasting.

Lastly, don’t forget to journal your experiences. Write down your prayers, thoughts, and any insights you receive during your fast. This will help you reflect on your journey and track your spiritual growth.


To wrap up your fasting and prayer journey, it’s important to reflect on the impact it has had on your spiritual growth and connection with God. Fasting and prayer are powerful tools that can deepen your relationship with God and bring about transformation in your life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are There Any Health Risks Associated With Fasting and Prayer?

It’s important to listen to your body and make sure you’re staying hydrated and nourished during this time. Consult a doctor before fasting especially if you are on medication.

How Often Should I Engage in Fasting and Prayer?

You should engage in fasting and prayer as often as feels right for you. It’s a personal choice that can bring spiritual growth and connection. Listen to your body and follow your intuition.

Can Fasting and Prayer Help With Weight Loss?

Fasting and prayer can help with weight loss by promoting discipline and mindfulness around food choices. Additionally, fasting can lead to a calorie deficit, resulting in weight loss. However, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

What Is the Difference Between Fasting and Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting is a specific type of fasting that involves alternating between periods of eating and fasting. It differs from regular fasting because it has specific time frames for eating and fasting, which can vary depending on the individual.

Can Fasting and Prayer Improve Mental Clarity and Focus?

“Clear your mind and find focus through fasting and prayer. By abstaining from food and dedicating time to spiritual reflection, you can improve mental clarity and gain a deeper sense of purpose.”


So there you have it, the 7 benefits of fasting and prayer.

By incorporating this spiritual practice into your life, you can experience personal growth, transformation, and a deeper connection with your faith.

But remember success in fasting and prayer requires dedication and discipline.

So why wait? Embrace this powerful practice and see the change it brings into your life.

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Kate Loving Shenk
8 months ago

A thorough look at the spiritual practices you outline here! I loved “Divine Intervention, especially! So true!