What Are Examples of Bad Friendships in the Bible
Have you ever had a friend who seemed trustworthy and loyal, only to realize their true intentions later? Remember that the Devil came like an angel of light and can fool you into thinking he is your friend.
Many people can do the right things for you but do it with the wrong motive. Remember that inside the word friend is the word END. Your friend can bring your END.
Just like a snake hiding in the grass, there are examples of bad friendships in the Bible that serve as cautionary tales. These stories, filled with deceit and betrayal, offer valuable lessons on choosing our companions wisely.
Sometimes, what we thought was a significant relationship was a toxic relationship. Occasionally, our eyes are blinded, and we see all the good things someone may have done, but we lack the red flags that the Holy Spirit might be showing us.
Sometimes, we can be so in love with someone like Samson that we don’t see that they are a hot-tempered person, and we ignore that red flag.
As we explore these examples, you will discover the consequences of falling into the trap of toxic friendships and why it is crucial to surround yourself with godly, uplifting individuals.
So, let’s embark on this journey through the pages of the Bible, where we will uncover the tales of friendships gone sour.
Throughout my life, I have had friends in school who encouraged me not to study my work, and I would do terribly when the time came for exams. They were not healthy friendships, and I had to limit my time with them because it affected me badly.
Key Takeaways
- Bad friendships in the Bible can lead to betrayal and suffering, as seen in the examples of Judas Iscariot and Job’s so-called friends.
- Negative influences in friendships can lead individuals astray, encourage sinful behavior, and hinder personal transformation.
- Unhealthy attachments in friendships can enable destructive habits, prioritize material possessions over relationships, and foster selfishness and greed.
- Lack of accountability in friendships can lead to a lack of support, avoidance of responsibility, and enablement of harmful behavior.
Famous Friendships In The Bible

You’ll find several famous friendships in the Bible that exemplify loyalty, support, and companionship. One prominent example is the friendship between David and Jonathan. Despite the challenges and political turmoil they faced, their bond remained unbreakable.
Jonathan was a loyal friend to King David, even when his father, King Saul, sought to harm David. Their friendship was built on trust and mutual respect, making them the best friends.
Another notable friendship is that of Ruth and Naomi. Ruth stood by despite the face of adversity, demonstrating her unwavering loyalty. Their friendship is a powerful example of the strength found in true companionship.
However, not all friendships in the Bible were positive. The story of Job teaches us about the dangers of surrounding ourselves with bad company. Job’s so-called friends falsely accused him and offered no support during his time of need. Their toxic friendship is a cautionary tale, reminding us to be discerning in our relationships.
Bible Verses About Bad Friends
We can learn from the contrasting examples of positive friendships in the Bible and recognize the importance of discerning who we surround ourselves with.
There are many examples of bad friendships in the Bible.
Judas Iscariot’s story is a prominent example of a bad friend and a negative influence. In Matthew 26:14-16, it’s revealed that Judas conspired with the religious leaders to betray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. This betrayal ultimately led to Jesus’ crucifixion.
Another example is Proverbs 22:24-25, which warns against associating with angry people with a short temper, as they can lead us down a destructive path. Similarly, 1 Corinthians 15:33 advises us to be cautious and not to associate with corrupt morals, as they can corrupt our character.
Psalms 1:6 For the LORD watches over the righteous’s way, but the way of the wicked leads to destruction.
Psalms 1:1 Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers;
Proverbs 27:5-6 Open rebuke is better than secret love. Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.
These verses remind us that bad friends can harm our lives, and it’s crucial to surround ourselves with positive influences who align with our values and beliefs. In the Bible, we see that the Religious people were not good friends to have in your life. The Chief Priests and Teachers of the Law were against Jesus. They were the ones who made sure that he was killed.
Examples of Good Friendships

Now, let’s shift our focus from bad friendships to examples of good friendships in the Bible.
Two notable examples are David and Jonathan, who had a profound and loyal friendship.
Another example is Ruth and Naomi, who displayed unwavering support and love for one another.
These friendships are potent reminders of the importance of loyalty, support, and love in our relationships.
David and Jonathan
David and Jonathan exemplify the qualities of a solid and loyal friendship in the Bible. Their bond is a testament to the power of friendship and its impact on one’s life. David and Jonathan were not just acquaintances; they were close friends who supported and cared for each other.
Jonathan, who was King Saul’s son, even risked his own life to protect David from his father‘s wrath. Their friendship was not based on convenience or personal gain but on a genuine connection and deep love for one another.
In the Book of Proverbs, it is said that “a friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity” (Proverbs 17:17).
This perfectly describes the friendship between David and Jonathan, as they remained loyal to each other through thick and thin.
David and Jonathan’s Friendship | |
Qualities | Loyalty, Support |
Actions | Risking life to protect each other |
Love | Genuine and deep |
Endurance | Steadfast through adversity |
Importance | A source of strength and comfort |
Their friendship serves as an example for us all, reminding us of the importance of having close friends who are there for us in times of need.
Ruth and Naomi
Jonathan and David’s friendship in the Bible showcases the qualities of loyalty and support, but they aren’t the only example of solid friendships; another noteworthy friendship is found between Ruth and Naomi. These were friends who were known for their excellent character and good morals.
- Ruth and Naomi’s friendship is characterized by unwavering loyalty, as Ruth decides to stay with Naomi and support her, even in the face of adversity.
- They offer each other comfort and encouragement, acting as pillars of strength during difficult times.
- Despite their challenges, Ruth and Naomi demonstrate the importance of love and support between family members, showing that close relationships can withstand even the most challenging trials.
Unlike toxic relationships fueled by lousy advice and negativity, Ruth and Naomi’s friendship shines as a beacon of positivity and mutual support. Their story reminds us of the power of loyalty and the importance of standing by our loved ones through thick and thin.
Examples of Bad Friendships In The Bible
Several examples of friendships in the Bible serve as cautionary tales and highlight the consequences of choosing the wrong companions.
One example is Proverbs 13:20, which warns against becoming a ‘companion of fools.’ This verse reminds us that the company we keep can profoundly impact our character and actions. We are either around mentors or tormentors.
Another instance of a bad friendship is seen in the story of Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus for the love of money. Judas’ greed and betrayal are a stark reminder of the dangers of prioritizing material wealth over loyalty and righteousness.
Proverbs 27:6 Wounds of a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses. In the case of Judas, his friendship with Jesus initially seemed genuine. He was one of the twelve disciples chosen by Jesus, entrusted with spreading his teachings and carrying out his mission.
However, Judas became increasingly consumed by his desire for wealth and power as time passed. This insatiable greed closed his eyes to the value of friendship and led him to betray the person he once called his friend.
Judas’ actions serve as a cautionary tale, reminding us of the destructive consequences that can arise when material gain becomes more important than loyalty, trust, and moral integrity.
Another bad friendship was Amnon.
Amnon, the son of King David in the biblical narrative, surrounded himself with friends who enabled and encouraged his heinous actions rather than guiding him toward virtue and righteousness. His close companions, rather than serving as moral compasses, facilitated his descent into depravity.
When Amnon developed an obsessive desire for his half-sister Tamar, his friends played a pivotal role in orchestrating the events that led to his despicable act of rape. Instead of dissuading him from his immoral intentions, they provided him with counsel that fueled his lust and disregard for Tamar’s well-being.
Furthermore, Amnon’s friends failed him by fostering an environment devoid of accountability and ethical standards. Instead of challenging his destructive impulses, they indulged in his fantasies and actively participated in plotting the assault against Tamar.
Their lack of moral courage and integrity allowed Amnon to perpetrate a grave injustice against his family, showcasing the toxic influence of peer pressure and the consequences of surrounding oneself with individuals lacking principles and empathy.
Amnon’s friends served as enablers of his iniquity, contributing to the tragic consequences that ensued from their collective moral bankruptcy.
Additionally, the Bible cautions against following false prophets. These individuals may appear as friends, but their intentions are deceitful and self-serving. Jeremiah’s book warns against heeding false prophets’ words and encourages discernment in choosing our companions.
In Matthew 7:15, Jesus warns his disciples to beware of false prophets who come in sheep’s clothing but are ravenous wolves inwardly. He advises them to judge these individuals by their fruits, as a good tree will bear good fruit, and a wrong tree will bear bad fruit.
This biblical guidance emphasizes the importance of discernment and critical thinking when choosing our companions. It reminds us to look beyond appearances and evaluate the character, motives, and actions of those who claim to be prophets or guides in our lives.
By following this advice, we can protect ourselves from being led astray by false prophets and surround ourselves with trustworthy and genuine individuals.
Another example of a lousy friendship can be seen in the story of Job and his so-called friends. Despite their initial intentions to console Job, their hot-tempered responses and accusations only added to his suffering.
This teaches us the importance of choosing friends who will support and uplift us in times of hardship. In the story of Job, his friends were quick to judge and condemn him, assuming that his suffering resulted from his wrongdoing.
Instead of offering empathy and understanding, they insisted that he must have committed grave sin to deserve such misfortune. Their lack of compassion and failure to truly listen to Job’s perspective deepened his anguish and isolation.
This story reminds us to surround ourselves with friends willing to provide genuine support and comfort rather than those quick to pass judgment and offer unsolicited advice.
True friendship is about standing by each other through thick and thin, offering a listening ear, empathy, and unconditional love.
Furthermore, the Bible warns against the destructive power of gossip.
Proverbs 16:28 states, ‘a perverse person stirs up conflict, and gossip separates close friends.’
This serves as a reminder that engaging in gossip can’t only damage our relationships but also lead to the breakdown of friendships.
Importance of Godly Friends

Having godly friends is crucial for your spiritual growth and personal development. Surrounding yourself with people who share your faith and values can profoundly impact your life. Here are three reasons why having godly friends is essential:
- Toxic People: Having godly friends can protect you from toxic relationships. These people bring negativity and drama into your life, draining your energy and hindering your progress. Godly friends will encourage and support you, helping you to avoid these toxic influences. They are a bad influence in your life.
- Wise Counsel: Proverbs 13:20 says, ‘Walk with the wise and become wise.’ Godly friends can provide wise counsel and guidance based on biblical principles. Their wisdom and insight can help you navigate life’s challenges, make better decisions, and have healthy relationships. We need some wise men and women in our lives.
- Good Return: The Bible tells us in Proverbs 27:17, ‘As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.’ Surrounding yourself with godly friends will inspire personal growth and spiritual maturity. They’ll challenge you to improve and encourage you to pursue a deeper relationship with God. John 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Are Some Famous Friendships in the Bible?
There are several famous friendships in the Bible. David and Jonathan had a close bond and were best friends, while Job’s friends were unsupportive. It’s essential to learn from both positive and negative examples of friendships.
Are There Any Bible Verses That Specifically Talk About Bad Friends?
Yes, there are Bible verses both in the Old and New Testament that discuss bad friends. They warn against associating with the wicked, gossipers, and those who lead others astray. Proverbs 22:24-25 and 1 Corinthians 15:33 are a few examples.
Can You Provide Examples of Good Friendships in the Bible?
David and his right hand man Jonathan, Ruth and Naomi, and Paul and Timothy exemplify good friendships in the Bible. These relationships were characterized by loyalty, support, and selflessness, serving as positive examples for us today.
What Are Some Examples of Bad Friendships in the Bible?
Bad friendships in the Bible can teach valuable lessons. Examples include Samson and Delilah, who betrayed him for personal gain, and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus. These stories remind us to choose our friends wisely, as some are fake friends and lack good character.
Are There Any Examples of Suffering Caused by Bad Friendships in the Bible?
Yes, there are several biblical examples of suffering caused by bad friendships. For instance, the story of Job’s friends who initially offered comfort but later became judgmental and unsupportive, causing Job great emotional suffering. Another example is the betrayal of Judas Iscariot, who caused Jesus to suffer greatly.
Why Is It Important to Have Godly Friends?
Having godly friends is essential because they can encourage and support your faith. They can pray for you, offer wise counsel, and help you grow spiritually. Surrounding yourself with godly friends is essential for a solid and vibrant relationship with God.
According to Barna 56% of Christians Feel Their Spiritual Life Is Entirely Private.
Overall, the Bible provides us with numerous examples of both good and bad friendships.
From the faithful bond between David and Jonathan to the deceitful relationship of Judas and Jesus Christ, these stories serve as valuable lessons on the importance of choosing godly friends who uplift and support us.
Through these narratives, we learn the significance of surrounding ourselves with positive influences and avoiding unhealthy relationships that can lead us astray. Do you have a real friend in your life? A friend you can count on. What kind of friend are you?
It would be best if you WATCHed who you are around.
W – Words. You will begin to talk like them.
A – Actions – You will begin behaving like them and getting the same results.
T – Thoughts – You will begin to think like them.
C – Character – We tend to start modeling the integrity or Morality of people we spend time with.
You can measure integrity by the distance between someone’s lips and their life.
H- Habits – We pick up the same habits