Guy looking proud. Examples of pride in the Bible.

What Are Examples of Pride in the Bible

Have you ever wondered about the instances of pride within the pages of the Old Testament and New Testament? As Children of God who have experienced God’s Grace leading to eternal life, we should have a humble heart and stop relying on our own strength.

Are you a humble person or a proud person?

Pride is your greatest enemy, according to John Stott.

According to Christian tradition, envy, gluttony, greed or avarice, lust, pride, sloth, and wrath are the seven deadly sins.

From the Old Testament, pride emerges as a recurring theme that shapes destinies and influences outcomes.

This theme is prevalent throughout the Bible, with numerous examples of positive and negative manifestations of pride.

In this post, we will look at examples of pride in the Bible

Pride is depicted in the Bible as a negative trait that can lead to downfall and separation from God. Examples include Lucifer’s fall and King Nebuchadnezzar’s arrogance, emphasizing the importance of humility.

From the pride of Lucifer leading to his fall in Isaiah 14:12-15 to the story of Nebuchadnezzar’s humbling in Daniel 4, pride is a cautionary tale in many biblical narratives. On the other hand, we also see positive examples of pride in one’s work or identity as a child of God.

Exploring these instances of pride can offer valuable insights into human nature, the consequences of hubris, and the importance of humility.

It’s a rich topic for reflection and contemplation, and I encourage you to look deeper into these stories to uncover the lessons.

Key Takeaways

  • Pride leads to downfall and destruction in biblical stories.
  • Biblical teachings emphasize humility over arrogance and boastfulness.
  • Prideful individuals exhibit haughty behaviour and behaviour that utilizes self-interest.
  • Examples like King Saul and Nebuchadnezzar illustrate the consequences of pride.

What is Pride in the Bible?

a proud man and a proud lion standing next to each other

Pride in the Bible is often associated with a sense of superiority or self-importance. It can manifest as placing one’s desire in God’s will or becoming boastful and arrogant.

Understanding the different facets of pride can help you navigate its implications in biblical teachings.

Pride of Life

In the Bible, the concept refers to an excessive focus on one’s achievements and possessions. One common symptom of this pride is a boastful attitude, where a prideful person constantly talks about their accomplishments and possessions, seeking validation and admiration from others.

This sinful pride can lead to arrogance, selfishness, and a lack of humility. It blinds individuals to their faults and weaknesses, creating a false sense of superiority. Below is a table illustrating the symptoms and examples of pride in life:

Symptoms of PrideExamples of Pride
Boastful behaviourSeeking constant validation for achievements
ArroganceBelittling others to feel superior
Lack of humilityRefusing to acknowledge one’s mistakes

Bible Verses About Pride

a lion on a cliff looking proud

God’s Word provides numerous examples of pride and its negative impacts. Here are some key points to ponder:

  • Bible Verses on a Proud Look: Proverbs 6:16-17 warns against ‘haughty eyes’, which indicate a proud look, emphasizing how God detests such attitudes.
  • Types of Pride: Scriptures like Proverbs 16:18 distinguish between different forms of pride, where ‘haughtiness of spirit’ precedes a fall.
  • Consequences of Pride: The Bible illustrates the sin of pride through verses like James 4:6, stating that God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.
  • Philippians 2:3-4 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility, consider others better than yourselves.

The Book of Proverbs warns, “Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil” (Proverbs 3:7).

Proverbs 6 shares seven things the Lord hates 16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: 17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, 19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

These verses emphasize the importance of humility and the dangers of pride. By reflecting on these biblical teachings, you can gain insight into the pride that leads to downfall and understand the significance of maintaining a humble spirit before God.

Characteristics of a Prideful Person

Exhibiting an inflated sense of self-importance and superiority can indicate a prideful person. A prideful individual often carries themselves with a haughty spirit, looking down upon others and believing themselves above reproach.

They may display symptoms of pride such as arrogance, boastfulness, and a reluctance to see their faults.

A proud heart is quick to dismiss the opinions and feelings of others, considering them to be of lesser importance.

This kind of person tends to prioritize their desires and ambitions over the well-being of those around them, leading to negative consequences of pride like strained relationships, isolation, and a lack of personal growth.

It’s essential to recognize these characteristics and attempt to cultivate humility and empathy instead. Remember, a humble spirit and an eagerness to learn from others can lead to personal development and more robust, meaningful connections with those around you.

What Are Some Examples of Pride in the Bible?

a King on his throne looking proud

Let’s look at some prominent figures in the Bible who displayed prideful behaviour. Examples of Pride in the Bible are:-

  • King Saul
  • Jonah
  • King Uzziah
  • King Nebuchadnezzar
  • Saul (Apostle Paul)

Their stories serve as cautionary tales, showing the consequences of letting pride take control and the importance of humility in God’s eyes.

King Saul

King Saul’s pride led to his downfall in various instances recorded in the Bible. His arrogance and disobedience to God’s commands exemplify prideful behaviour.

Some consequences of Saul’s pride include losing favour with God, being rejected as king, and experiencing mental torment due to his jealousy and insecurity.

The symptoms of Saul’s pride were evident in his need for validation from others, his refusal to admit his mistakes, and his tendency to blame others for his errors.

Unfortunately, Saul’s pridefulness ultimately led to his tragic end, serving as a cautionary tale for prideful people throughout history.

King Saul’s story serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of pride and the consequences it can bring. His downfall resulted from arrogance, disobedience, and refusal to acknowledge his mistakes.

This narrative can be a powerful lesson for individuals to reflect on their behaviours and attitudes, reminding them of the importance of humility, obedience, and accountability. One can avoid similar pitfalls and strive for a more virtuous and righteous path by learning from King Saul’s mistakes.


Pride in the Bible is exemplified through Jonah’s defiance against God’s will, leading to significant consequences.

Jonah’s pride is evident when he disobeys God’s command to preach to the people of Nineveh. Instead, he boards a ship heading in the opposite direction.

His disobedience stems from his belief that the Ninevites are unworthy of God’s mercy. However, after being swallowed by a great fish, Jonah repents and acknowledges his wrongdoing. Through this experience, Jonah learns the importance of obedience and humility.

God shows mercy by giving Jonah a second chance to fulfil his mission, highlighting the consequences of pride and the power of repentance in the face of divine will.

The Bible’s story of Jonah powerfully illustrates the consequences of pride and disobedience and the importance of repentance and humility in the face of divine will.

Despite Jonah’s initial defiance and prideful belief that the Ninevites were undeserving of God’s mercy, his journey ultimately leads him to repentance and a deeper understanding of obedience.

Through the dramatic events of being swallowed by a great fish and ultimately being given a second chance by God to fulfil his mission, Jonah learns a valuable lesson about the dangers of pride and the transformative power of humility.

This story highlights God’s mercy in offering opportunities for redemption and the impact of acknowledging one’s mistakes and seeking forgiveness.

King Uzziah

Often overlooked in discussions on biblical pride, King Uzziah’s story is a compelling example of the consequences of arrogance and overstepping boundaries.

Uzziah, king of Judah, started his reign with great pride, which led to his downfall due to his actions. The pride of life consumed him, blinding him to the limits set by God and resulting in severe repercussions.

His story parallels the concept of tasting the forbidden fruit, where the desire for power and glory led him to a tragic end. Reflect on King Uzziah’s life as a cautionary tale of the destructive nature of excessive pride.

  • King Uzziah’s initial success
  • The downfall due to pride
  • Lessons on the consequences of arrogance

King Uzziah’s Initial Success

King Uzziah began his reign at the young age of 16 and enjoyed great success. He sought the Lord and was guided by the prophet Zechariah.

Under his rule, Judah experienced prosperity, military victories, and agricultural abundance. Uzziah’s fame spread far and wide, and he became an influential and respected king in the region.

The Downfall Due to Pride

However, as Uzziah’s power and wealth grew, so did his pride. He became arrogant and started to overstep his boundaries. In his pride, he entered the temple to burn incense on the altar, a task reserved only for the priests.

When confronted by the priests, Uzziah reacted angrily and refused to back down. This act of prideful disobedience led to God’s judgment upon him.

Lessons on the Consequences of Arrogance

Uzziah’s story serves as a sobering reminder of the dangers of pride and arrogance. Despite his initial success, his pride led to his downfall. He was struck with leprosy, a disease that isolated him from society and eventually led to his death.

The consequences of Uzziah’s arrogance highlight the importance of humility, obedience, and respect for God’s boundaries. It is a cautionary tale for all individuals to guard against the lure of excessive pride, which can blind us to our limitations and lead us astray.

In today’s world, the story of King Uzziah reminds us to remain humble, seek guidance from God, and remember that true success comes from honouring Him and respecting His ways.

Let us learn from Uzziah’s mistakes and strive to walk in humility and obedience, avoiding the pitfalls of pride that can bring about our downfall.

King Nebuchadnezzar

Reflecting on biblical examples of pride, another prominent figure whose story serves as a cautionary tale is Nebuchadnezzar. His story showcases the destructive consequences of arrogance and overestimating one’s power.

King Nebuchadnezzar’s pride led him to boast about his kingdom and achievements, attributing them solely to his greatness. This arrogance caused him to ignore the warnings and counsel of others, ultimately resulting in his downfall, as depicted in the Bible.

King NebuchadnezzarPride and Arrogance
Boasted about his kingdomIgnored warnings and counsel
Overestimated his powerExperienced downfall in the Bible
Failed to acknowledge external forcesDid not heed advice from others
Refused to humble himselfSuffered consequences of arrogance
Focused on self-gloryLost his kingdom due to pride

Saul (Apostle Paul)

In the Bible’s account of Saul (Apostle Paul), his journey is marked by hubris and self-reliance, leading to pivotal lessons on humility and grace.

Saul’s early life was characterized by zealous persecution of Christians, driven by his pride and convictions. However, on the road to Damascus, his encounter with Jesus Christ humbled him, transforming his life and purpose.

Through Saul’s transformation into the Apostle Paul, we see how pride can blind us to God’s good things intended for us. This transformation also emphasizes the importance of the fear of the Lord, which guides us to walk in humility and grace and allows God to work through us for His glory.

  • Pride leading to persecution of Christians
  • Humbling encounter with Christ Jesus on the road to Damascus
  • Transformation into the Apostle Paul


Saul’s journey highlighted the dangers of pride, and similarly, Lucifer’s story in the Bible offers striking examples of arrogance and its consequences.

Lucifer, once a radiant and mighty angel known as one of the stars of God, fell from grace due to his pride. In the book of Isaiah, Lucifer is described as harbouring evil thoughts and desiring to exalt himself above God, leading to his expulsion from heaven.

His pride blinded him to the truth and caused his downfall, serving as a cautionary tale about the destructive nature of arrogance. Lucifer’s story reminds us that even the most glorious beings can be consumed by pride, emphasizing the importance of humility and obedience in the face of greatness.

Consequences of Pride in the Bible

When pride takes hold, the consequences in the Bible are often severe and serve as cautionary tales for all. Pride in the Bible led to significant repercussions that can still be learned from today. Here are some examples of the consequences of pride in the Bible:

  • Fall from Grace: Adam and Eve’s pride led them to eat the forbidden fruit, resulting in their expulsion from the Garden of Eden.
  • Punishment and Destruction: The pride of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah led to their cities being destroyed by fire and brimstone as a punishment for their wickedness.
  • Loss of Kingdom: King Nebuchadnezzar’s pride in his accomplishments led him to be humbled by God, lose his sanity, and live like a wild animal until he acknowledged God’s sovereignty.

These examples demonstrate the severe outcomes that can result from succumbing to pride. Reflecting on these stories can give insight into the dangers and consequences of allowing pride to take root in one’s heart.

What are the Fruits of Pride

A king looking devastated

The consequences of pride in the Bible demonstrate the destructive outcomes that can arise when individuals allow pride to take root in their hearts. The fruits of pride are evident in various biblical examples.

For instance, King Nebuchadnezzar’s pride led to his downfall when he boasted about his great kingdom, resulting in him being humbled by God and living like a wild animal for a period.

Similarly, Lucifer’s pride in wanting to exalt himself above God led to his expulsion from heaven and becoming Satan.

The human heart can easily be deceived by the allure of pride, leading to arrogance, self-centeredness, and a disregard for others.

Proverbs 27:2 reminds us,’ Let another man praise you, and not your mouth; a stranger, and not your lips.’

It’s wise to remember that ‘Let him who boasts boast in the Lord’ (1 Corinthians 1:31) rather than in oneself, for the fruits of pride often result in destruction and separation from God.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Does Jealousy in the Bible Compare to Examples of Pride?

Jealousy in the Bible is often portrayed as a negative trait, as seen in the story of Cain and Abel. Conversely, examples of pride, like the story of Lucifer’s fall from grace, also demonstrate the destructive nature of arrogance. Both jealousy and pride can lead to disastrous consequences, as illustrated in biblical narratives.

How Can Pride Affect Relationships and Interactions With Others According to the Bible?

Pride can harm relationships and interactions by fostering arrogance and selfishness. It can lead to conflicts, Lack of empathy, and strained connections with others. Stay humble and considerate to nurture healthy and meaningful relationships.

Does the Bible Offer Any Solutions or Remedies for Overcoming Pride?

To overcome pride, you must humble yourself before God, seek His guidance, and practice gratitude and service to others. You can conquer pride by acknowledging your limitations and focusing on God’s will.

Are There Any Stories or Parables in the Bible That Specifically Address the Dangers of Pride?

In the Bible, stories like the fall of Lucifer and the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector illustrate the dangers of pride. These narratives serve as cautionary tales to remind you to stay humble.

How Can One Distinguish Between Healthy Self-Esteem and Sinful Pride in the Eyes of God?

In God’s eyes, healthy self-esteem stems from humility and gratitude, while sinful pride arises from arrogance and self-centeredness. By staying humble, acknowledging your strengths as gifts, and treating others with respect, you honour God.

Are There Any Biblical Figures Who Were Able to Overcome Their Pride and Learn Humility?

When facing pride, seek biblical examples of humility triumphing over arrogance. Learn from figures like King Nebuchadnezzar, who humbled himself before God. Emulate their path to overcoming pride and embracing humility in your own life.


To sum up, pride in the Bible is often portrayed as a negative trait that leads to downfall and separation from God. Examples of pride in the Bible include the story of Lucifer’s fall from grace and King Nebuchadnezzar’s arrogance.

To avoid the consequences of pride, it’s essential to remain humble and seek God’s guidance. Remember, pride comes before a fall, but humility leads to grace and blessings.

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11 months ago

Hi! I really like your blog post. I think that you did a really good job laying it out and you gave lots of great examples. Pride is a great topic. There’s this one quote that I really like about pride, “Humility is the one thing that no devil can imitate. ” St. John Climacus. Thank you again!! 🙂