How Do You Do Spiritual Journaling?
Growing up in church you may tend to hear people talking about various disciplines that they do to grow closer to God and one of those disciplines is journaling.
Now you might be wondering what does spiritual journaling entail?

Spiritual journaling sounds good but what are some steps you can take to start journaling?
Let me share with you some simple steps you can take to do spiritual Journaling.
- Decide what Kind of Journal you would use e.g paper or an app on your phone
- Set aside time each day to journal
- Write Down any spiritual goals you may have
- Write down some things you are grateful to God for each day
- Write out prayers that describe how you may be feeling
- Write down what you are learning about God e.g through a sermon, bible reading etc
- Write down ways you can put what you are learning into practice
- Take time to review your entries at least once a month
What is the purpose of a spiritual journal?
A spiritual journal is a journal that we use to write in to put our thoughts and feelings into words on Paper.
Sometimes we are not sure how to articulate things and a journal can be a way for us to articulate in a better manner.
When you are going through tough times in your life; a journal can help to make it a little easier.
Journaling is a great way to work through anger and hurt. It organizes your thoughts and helps you acknowledge the truth in clear black and white.
Is Journaling a Spiritual Discipline?
Now I know you may be wondering who does this and is this really a Spiritual Discipline?
Well to be honest many of the most spiritual persons in the past have attributed journaling as a way of helping them to grow in their walk with God.
You may be a bit sceptical but you never know until you try it for yourself.
The saints and mystics lived without TV, phones, and all the other scintillating interruptions we’ve allowed into our lives. A commitment to keeping a journal forces you away from the distractions of life and it presses you to think, evaluate, reflect, and remember. It provides a way to look at events and impressions and interpret the presence of God in it all.
George Mueller from Bristol, England, a man of yesteryear, was a mighty man of faith, a mighty man of prayer. He kept a journal. In that journal, he had listed 25,000 answers to prayer—25,000.
What Should You Write in Your Spiritual Journal?
There are no rules as to what you should write in your journal but just to give you an idea of things you can write in your journal are things like prayers.
Don’t just write the prayers but right down the date when your prayers have been answered.

It will increase your faith if you keep a prayer journal. Record your requests; record your answers.
Write down things that you are thankful for and that you are grateful for.
Write down your feelings just as David did in the Psalms.
Write down what you are learning from the scriptures or from a sermon etc.
Get into the Word of God. Meditate on the Word of God. And then, record what God has given you.
This is where the journal comes in. Write it down. It doesn’t have to be flowery. You’re not writing it for publication. You’re not writing it to impress other people. Make it intensely personal; but once you do this, you’ll find yourself sharing it with other people.
I mean, when you do this and you leave it, you will want to share the nuggets that God has given you—and that will make you a blessing to be around. You’ll have a wealth of material for lessons and devotions, though that’s not even your purpose in doing it.
At the same time, take that notepad and write down the things that you need to do—action points. This is the one that may be just for the day: obligations and goals and decisions that come out of that time.
Write down how you are going to apply what God is saying to you personally.
It would almost be unthinkable to think that I would read without a pen in my hand—almost unthinkable! I mean, I instinctively, when I reach for the Bible, reach for a pen. Why? Expect God to give you something.
You say, “Well, that’s all right, I’ve got a good memory. I’ll remember it.” Who are you kidding? I have a fair memory; but I want to tell you, folks, that it is better to write it down.
It impresses it in your mind. And the weakest ink is better than the best memory. Write it down in your journal. Expect God to give you something.
Those are some simple things you can write in your journal.
I hope you would have gotten value from this post about how you do spiritual journaling.
As you can see there is no right or wrong way and no official rules to follow when it comes to Spiritual journaling.
However, this is a practice that you should try to do and see what a difference it makes in your life.
If I made a difference in the Spiritual Giants in the past, imagine what it can do for you.
I believe in reminders. I believe in spiritual reminders. This can be done by keeping spiritual journals. It’s nice to write things down, data. This is what the Lord showed me. This is what the Lord’s doing in my life. Write it down. Commit it to memory in a journal.
Let me know how you plan to do journaling.
What are the benefits of journaling that I might have missed?
Let us know in the comments below.
Happy Journaling.
I agree that spiritual journaling has so many benefits. i love the line that says, “expect god to give you something.”
I have a beautiful book that I purchased for prayers! You are so right in saying there is no right or wrong way to journal, I love to see where my prayers have changed over time as I have grew in my faith. Your post is 5 stars!! God bless you always
What a beautiful and powerful post! Especially love “Expect God to gove you something.”
Journaling has been on my mind and this post explains the need to finally start! Thanks for the post.
I used to journal literally all the time. I need to start doing it again, I take notes to help my mind cement the information. Especially when it came to scriptures, I used to journal whole chapters of the bible as apart of my daily devotions. Great thoughts as usual.