How To Be A Proper Example As A Christian
When you become a Christian your whole life changes and people are going to expect you to live differently.
You are now required to set an example and be a role model to people.
This isn’t always easy but it is very important.

It is nice when we can lift our hands and Worship God but people are looking for much more than that when they hear you’re a Christian.
I remember before I became a Christian, you definitely would not see me in Church on a Sunday Morning.
Sunday Morning was my day to sleep late and watch the best cartoons. I definitely was not a person who was setting the right example.
There are certain aspects of the way you live that shows people whether you are someone worth following or someone worth avoiding.
1 Timothy 4:12 Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.
In this portion of Scripture we see Paul giving young Timothy a charge to be an example in 5 different areas. These areas are 5 areas that I believe is very important for you to show an example in.
Is Being a Proper Example as a Christian Related to Being Content in Your Faith?
Being a proper example as a Christian is directly related to living a fulfilled Christian life. Contentment in your faith reflects a deep trust in God’s plan and a willingness to follow His teachings. By embodying these values, you can inspire others to seek their own fulfillment in their Christian journey.
Be An Example In Your Speech
We need to be an example in the things we say. People listen to you.
They watch your posts on Facebook and on Instagram.
They see when you slander or gossip or bully people online. We need to be very careful what we post online as it shows what is in our heart.
Ephesians 4:29 Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word a gift.
Life and death is in the power of the tongue.
We need to be very careful what we say to people and about people. Many times we can be quick to criticise and condemn and complain about any and everything and it does not make for a good Christian witness.
Many churches today are being destroyed because of gossip.

God has called us to share the Gospel and not the Gossip.
I remember years ago I insulted one of my cousins for the type of TV he had because it wasn’t working properly and it hurt him so bad that he actually went and bought a new TV.
That wasn’t nice of me at all.
One of the best ways to improve your speech is to shut up and listen. Listen to people with more experience than you.
It is better to remain silent, and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
God wants us to be an example in our Speech.
Be An Example In Your Conduct
Watch how you carry about yourself.
The only Bible some will see is your life. Let them say you are a role model and they want to be like you.
People are going to watch your every move. Some Christians have different faces for different places. They are different in their workplace than when they are in church.
Don’t let that be you.
In the Bible there are accounts of different people. Some are shown as examples and some as warnings.
If the Bible was still being written let it said you are an Example.
People should say “I want to be like you.”
Our life-style as well as our specific behaviours must be consistent with the gospel.
In this Scripture, Timothy was to conduct himself as a representative of Jesus Christ even in the details of daily living (see 6:6–10). Unfortunately, when actions loudly contradict words, the truth can hardly be heard!
A lot of people today say DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO!
Very poor instruction!
Phillipians 1:27 Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel.
Paul told the Philippians when he left them that he wanted them to always conduct themselves in a way that brings Glory to Christ.
He wanted them to show an example in their conduct.
Be An Example In Your Love
They shall know we are christians by our love.
This is a very common song in Churches.
We will work with each other, we will work side by side
And we’ll guard each man’s dignity and save each man’s pride
And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
Yeah, they’ll know we are Christians by our love.
Jars of Clay
Notice it didn’t say our gifts – not our ability to preach, jump and wave, shout hallelujah, lead worship, play the guitar etc. It is love, people are looking for.
People do not care how much you know. They care how much you care for them.

The young people in your church need to know that you love them.
Sometimes it can be hard. There are times when you just want to speech them off. At other times you want to just give up on them. They need to feel loved.
Not just the young people but everyone in your church and outside your church.
Right now, the world is going through a Pandemic and Leaders have to show how much they love their people during this time.
Many people are not feeling loved. They have no money, they lost their jobs. They are about to be kicked out of their apartments because they have no rent money.
It is times like these that people need to feel the Love.
Right now there is this BLACK LIVES MATTER movement where blacks are feeling like they are treated as of lesser value than white people. You need to show them, love, at this time.
When we say the right words and live the right way but lack love, we are demonstrating a legalistic view of God’s expectations (see 1 Corinthians 13:1–7). After words and actions have had their say, love makes the message ring true or false.
It can be hard to love those who make it difficult to love but that is a test and an opportunity to grow.
To live with Saints above,
Oh that would be Glory,
But to Live Below,
With Saints, we know,
Oh That’s Another Story
John Maxwell
Be An Example In Your Faith
Jesus did ask – ‘When I return will I find faith?’
Let people say that they see your faith in Jesus when they look at you.
Jesus stressed a lot about having faith. It can be tempting at times to just see the walls surrounding you but faith helps to see that we are surrounded by God!
Let people say about you that “this man reads the bible, this man prays a lot. When he speaks, God touches me, when he prays God answers his prayer. This man serious about his faith in God.”
One way you can show your faith is by sharing a little scripture in your Facebook; not just cat memes. Let your faith shine through!
To have strong faith will require you to spend time in God’s Word.
The Bible says Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God.

You should grab hold of every opportunity to hear the Word of God.
Go out to the Sunday morning Services. Never miss the midweek services. Be early in the Bible Study.
Spend time listening to sermons online. Watch sermons on Television. The more you allow the Word to saturate your mind, the better it is for increasing your faith.
Read the Bible out loud instead of silently. It will help you increase your Faith.
There is this funny story that goes :-
My grandmother, who lived in Tucson, was well-known for her faith and lack of reticence in talking about it.
She would go out on the front porch and say, “Praise the Lord!” Her next door neighbor would shout back, “There ain’t no Lord!”
During those days, my grandmother was very poor, so the neighbor decided to prove his point by buying a large bag of groceries and placing it at her door. The next morning, Grandmother went to the porch and, seeing the groceries, said, “Praise the Lord!”
The neighbor stepped out from behind a tree and said, “I brought those groceries, and there ain’t no Lord.”
Grandmother replied, “Lord, you not only sent me food but you made the devil pay for it.”
Be An Example In Your Purity
This can be an extremely hard one to live up to for a lot of young Christians.
Today we see sexual immorality rampant among Christians.
John Crist a popular Christian comedian was caught. Pastors and leaders are being caught.
Pray for them. David was caught in this sin as well. David saw a UFO (Undressed Female Object) and was led astray.
This is one area where we are all weak. We were made to desire sex but the bible says not to awaken love until it so. God desires Purity among his people.
Many leaders have a girlfriend and they involve themselves sexually and end up becoming pregnant. If leaders are struggling, imagine how much babes in Christ tend to struggle with this.
The temptation and the struggle is there. Every ad on tv has a half-naked girl. Today a lot of Christians are hooking up with non-christians.
Their values will be different than yours. They will want sex and you would not. Throughout the bible, we see that they chose a wife from among their own, not from the Canaanites.
Get your wife from the Body of Christ.
in his book Finishing Strong, STEVE FARRAR tells of a famous author who was attending a lavish dinner party held in his honor. He was seated next to a very sophisticated and stylish young woman. She was stunningly beautiful and elegant. At one point during the meal, he leaned over and discreetly whispered in her ear, “Would you be willing to sleep with me tonight for $25,000?” The woman smiled coyly and silently nodded a yes. He leaned in once again and whispered to her, “How about $50?” The woman was horrified. She lost her composure and yelled at the author, “Just what do you think I am?” The author replied, “We’ve already established what you are. We are simply discussing the price?”
I shared a lot of different areas we need to grow in.
My advice to you is to choose the 1 you are weakest in and ask God to help you to Grow in that area.
Let me know in the comments below which of these you struggle the most with and what you plan to do to Grow in that area.